
Imported from My Lists: movies

indie, arthouse, big/low budget, hollywood, all cinema

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The big boss
Fortune Star ; produced by Raymond Chow ; written and directed by Lo Wei.
Way of the Dragon
Fortune Star ; a Concord production ; produced by Raymond Chow ; written and directed by Bruce Lee.
Jing wu men
Fortune Star ; produced by Raymond Chow ; written and directed by Lo Wei.
Game of death II
presented by Raymond Chow ; producer, Cheung Kuen ; director, Ng See Yuen.
Sid the science kid.
NCircle Entertainment ; the Jim Henson Company ; PBS Kids ; executive producers, Lisa Henson, Brian Henson, Halle Stanford, Bradley Zweig ; produced by Chris Plourde ; KCET.
Caswell Communications, Inc. in association with Urban Entertainment and Uptown Movie network present a Tru Life Film by Jerry Lamothe ; produced by Judith Aidoo and Jeffrey Wright ; written and directed by Jerry Lamothe.
a co-production of Toby Byron/Multiprises in association with Taurus Films, Munich, CBS Music Video Enterprises and WNET/New York ; written by Gary Giddins ; produced by Toby Byron ; directed by Gary Giddins with Kendrick Simmons.
American outrage
directed by George Gage and Beth Gage ; writer, Beth Gage.

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